Health Check: What Makes it So Hard to Quit Drugs?
A look at why reducing use, getting off or staying off can be difficult for those dependent on alcohol and/or other drugs.
Health Check: What Makes it So Hard to Quit Drugs?
Please Hear What I’m Not Saying
Codependency is a Toxic Myth in Addiction Recovery
Alcohol and Intimate Partner Relationships: Research Study
Mum, Can You Lend Me Twenty Quid?
Not My Family, Never My Child
Supernormal: The Untold Story of Resilience
Don’t Let Your Kids Kill You: A Guide for Parents of Drug and Alcohol Addicted Children
Mrs D is Going Without
Get Your Loved One Sober
Māori & Alcohol: A History
Issues of Tobacco, Alcohol, and other Drug Abuse for Māori
Where There’s Life There Really is Hope
Dancing on a Razor’s Edge
Tweak: Growing Up on Methamphetamines
Beautiful Boy
The Biology of Desire
Memoirs of an Addicted Brain